Taking stock and being Thankful

It's that beautiful time of the year again. I just love Christmas, Don`t you? My husband says that the fun of Christmas is the excitement that comes with the preparations...I am actually enjoying the giddiness of putting the house in order and doing some shopping. Anyway, 2017 has been a really tough year for a lot of us, especially with the economic downturn and other things. Lots of people are eager to see 2017 pass, So am I, to be honest.  However as the year ends, Why not take stock of the great things God has done. I love the old time hymn that says:

 "Count your blessings, name them one by one
   Count your blessings see what God has done
   Count your blessings name them one by one
 and it will surprise you what the Lord has done"

I was pondering over this and I realized that God has indeed been really good to me. Financially, it was tough but I never really lacked any basic things and once in a while I could still afford a few luxuries. So I decided to take the song literally and make a list of the blessings God bestowed on me this year
I clocked 30 this year, 
I had my third child, 
I had food, shelter, clothing and other basic amenities
I am healthy and strong
I ply a very hazardous road to and from work everyday, yet I have never suffered any mishap.
 I didn't lose any friend or relative to death
My husband and kids are healthy and strong
My marriage is 5 years strong and our love for each other has grown deeper
My own parents and siblings are doing great
My parents in-law and siblings in-law are doing great too
My relationship with God improved immensely and I started this blog
....To mention but a few

I know that for some of us, we may have had some bad breaks during the year, and we may probably feel that we have no reasons to be thankful to God. I say to you pause a bit, think about it.....your two eyes can read this....that's a blessing on its own.You are alive, maybe you pay a visit to a morgue....Psalm 150:6 says...Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. So for the fact that you have the breath of life in you, you have every reason to thank him. I love this quote by Lysa Terkeust... "If there was ever a secret for unleashing God's powerful peace in a situation, it's developing a heart of true thanksgiving"
Also remember that whatever challenges you faced in 2017 are not meant to be permanent. Philippians 4:6 asks us to not be anxious of anything but in every situation, by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 
So, while looking forward to 2018, Let's be thankful for 2017 and I know the Lord will fulfill our expectations.
Do have a Merry Christmas and an amazing 2018.


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