Studying the virtuous woman (2)

She seeks wool and flax,
And willingly works with her hands.
14 She is like the merchant ships,
She brings her food from afar.
15 She also rises while it is yet night,
And provides food for her household,
And a portion for her maidservants.

She considers a field and buys it;
From her profits she plants a vineyard.

Proverbs 31: 13-16(NKJV)

So we talked about the first part of the passage of the virtuous woman in a previous post. So lets look at the next 4 verses.

Verses 13-15She seeks wool and flax,And willingly works with her hands. She is like the merchant ships, She brings her food from afar and provides food for her household,and a portion for her maidservants.. I remember a time when there was this trending hashtag on social media... #wifenotcook. It got a lot of reactions from women who believed that they didn't have to cook for their households. Most of the women also questioned why men could not do it too.
Well, my darlings inasmuch as I hate having to cook all the time. The Bible says the virtuous woman has a responsibility to provide nourishment for her household. Even if you work or you are busy, just make sure you make arrangements to feed the family. If your lucky and your husband knows his way around the kitchen....good on you. However most of us from this part of the world don`t have such darling it falls on you. Don't argue too much about it, life is too short to have cooking steal your joy. Remember also, Not just for the family but also for the staff living in the house with you.....And a portion for her maidservants.. Just find a way to work it out, we women always do. Yeah I know, another thing for us to worry I tire too. 

Verse 16: Where I come from, the translation for Mrs is "Oriaku". This means, the one who enjoys her husband's wealth. Some of us grow up with the erroneous notion that we do not have to work as wives. That its enough to stay home and have the babies. However, we see from this portion, the virtuous woman actually earns a living and works. She even goes ahead to make investments....She considers a field and buys it;From her profits she plants a vineyard.Of course a vineyard is another avenue for her to make more money. This woman is even an there is really no excuse not to make some money for yourself. The economy is not great at the moment, so think of something you can do to contribute to the homestead, the Bible supports you.


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