From your OWN lips to God's ears.

So, I was having a conversation with a friend, she had talked to me about some challenges she was facing, so i was encouraging her to pray about her situation and I went ahead to share a personal testimony with her explaining how prayer had helped me overcome a seemingly difficult situation that I had faced.
She then asked me a question, "Which pastor did you meet?"
The question took me aback, because all I could ask was "Why do I have to meet a pastor or anybody else for that matter?"
She said "Yes, somebody who prayed for you, or did you pray for yourself?"
All I could do was smile at her.
So I had to start another lesson..
Why do a lot of us feel that we need a priest, a pastor or someone else to pray for us?
A lot of us are yet to understand the power we have in Christ. When we even look through the Bible most miracles were performed because of the faith of the individuals involved. I named this blog after Hannah the mother of Samuel, because she represents the power of a praying women, The Bible says 1st Samuel, Chapter 1, 'In her deep anguish Hannah prayed to the Lord, weeping bitterly. 11 And she made a vow, saying, “Lord Almighty, if you will only look on your servant’s misery and remember me, and not forget your servant but give her a son'.
 We all know what happened, the Lord heard her prayer and gave her  Samuel, and thereafter gave her more children. Hannah prayed all by herself and the Lord answered her, there are many more examples of ordinary men and women like you and I, who prayed to the Lord and he answered them. Esther, Hezekiah, Jabez, Nehemiah...even in the New Testament, most of the miracles of Jesus were done when ordinary men and women sought his help with faith e.g Jairus, the Syrophoenician woman, Blind Bartimaeus, the woman with the issue of blood.
God is our father, and he is always willing to listen to his children, he tells us to ask ad we will receive, seek and we will find, knock and the door shall be opened.
He is not some distant, unapproachable father that requires you getting a spokesperson or a middle man. I have always been one to believe that since I am the one wearing the shoe, I know where it hurts, so I am in the best position to talk to God about what bothers me.
I think this is one reason, people, especially in this part of the world, fall prey to unscrupulous people, a.k.a fake prophets and pastors. They try to make you feel unworthy and not holy enough to talk to your Father in Heaven, and they go ahead to exploit you, by asking you to bring money and other things for so called "spiritual cleansing". Let us not forget that, Jesus has already performed the ultimate sacrifice on the cross, so no other sacrifice or cleansing is needed. All that is needed is for you to give your heart and surrender your life to the Lord. So why pay for the free gift of salvation that God has made available to you?
Even a condemned thief hanging on the cross beside Jesus at Calvary made a last minute prayer asking that Jesus would remember him, of course his prayer was granted.
So never ever feel that you are unworthy or feel that your prayers are not enough to get the Lord to act.
Ephesians 3:20 says, Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.
This power is within each and everyone of us, we just need to know how to get it activated....How do we do that? Matthew 6:33 has the answer, Seek ye the kingdom of God and its righteousness and all these things will be added onto you.

However do not misunderstand me, our priests and pastors are there as spiritual guides and of course part of their job is to pray with and for us, my point is this....God wants to hear from YOU, he wants a personal relationship with YOU. Do not think that you can't do it without the minister, his grace is sufficient for us all.  It is your right and privilege as an heir of the kingdom to be able to approach your father boldly and speak to him.
So, go down on those knees and speak to your father, I promise, your words will go from you lips to God's ears.


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