Happy New Year!!!!
Happy New Year everyone. I am so thankful to the Lord for his goodness. We safely crossed over to the 2018 and only God can be given credit for that. I went to my home town in Imo State, Nigeria. We were at my village, that is, my home by marriage and we also went to visit my parents for a few days. it was just amazing. We got to see family and friends that we hadn't seen in a while. Before I knew it, the holiday was over. Don't you think the Christmas holidays are too short. Its actually just a week between Christmas day and New Year's and if you have a 9-5 job like me, you have to hurry back to resume work. Anyway, I bless God for giving us sound health and safe trips. Now we are back to face the new year and what better way to do that than to place 2018 in God`s hands.
So most churches in Nigeria are beginning the 21 day fast today. It has become a tradition for most to fast for 21 days at the beginning of each year. I personally think it is a great way to start the year. Once upon a time, I thought fasting to be the greatest of punishments...Lol, foodie like me. However as I got older I understood that it was a great instrument in our walk with Christ. Before Jesus began his ministry he fasted for 40 days. In other words, he fasted and prayed so that the Lord could strengthen and empower him. There are also situations where fasting brings breakthroughs, remember Mark chapter 9, when a deaf and dumb man was brought to the disciples and they couldn't heal him. Jesus told them in verse 29, that this kind can come forth by nothing but prayer and fasting. In Acts 13, we see where the Holy Ghost ministered to the church after they had fasted, that is to say they their fast got the Lord to speak to them. We can also fast for the forgiveness of sins and God's intervention as was commonly practiced in the old testament, like when Queen Esther and her people fasted to avert the impending evil of Haman.
So let's key into the exercise, even if it means skipping one meal, as far as your strength can carry. Better, if you can go all the way, 6am-6pm... Of course if you have health issues or are pregnant, its not advised that you fast, but you can still abstain from something for the Lord, be it TV, makeup, alcohol or anything else you enjoy. Also remember that you have to remain cheerful, obey God's commandments and be kind to one another.
Have faith and pray, God who sees your heart will take care of that mountain.
Our children are also starting a new school term today....May the Lord be with them, guide them, protect them and Grant them success in their school work.
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